Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Sights of DC

Here are a variety of pics taken throughout the day.

The castle
The guys
The Justice Department Door
I took this pic because of the design on the door. I did not realize how large of a door it is.  Each side was 4 ft. x 20 ft. It has two huge door knockers and I doubt it is in use because of its massive size.  Chris wondered what was behind the door. Steve asked...What do you think will happen if you knocked on the door?...Chris said...A giant man would answer. I thought that funny...I guess you would have to have been there.
A pic for "Ludi"

The Ford Theater

The Presidential Box
President Lincoln was assassinated in the right where he sat.

The house across the street from the Ford Theater where Lincoln was taken
The room where Lincoln died
You know whose house
The White House Garden
TC Williams High School
Did you see the movie "Remember the Titans"? This is the high school stadium.
Very nice high school in Alexandria, VA
Quaint street in Alexandria
On the road to Washington's home...Mount Vernon
Good night.


  1. I love all your pics. It's going to be hard to return to California where nothing is much older than the Gold Rush.

  2. Wait, isn't that the door from the Wizard of Oz? No wonder the ruby slippers are in DC!
