Friday, August 13, 2010

The American History Museum, an ALL Day affair

I woke up to thunder and rain. Though temperatures were 90 and upper 80's (when it rains) with high humidity, suits and ties are common sites around DC.

We walked to the station a couple of blocks away.

Traveling down to the subway station

The subway

The lights flash when the train is approaching
We reached the Smithsonian and climbed up to see

On the "mall" view to the left

On the "mall", view to the right.

Chris and Kenny (alias Night and Day)

Where we spent the day. The entire day!

Hey! wait for me.

Opps, lost some be continued.....   Have a good day!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. DC looks just like it did 20 years ago. I didn't even know they had a subway. Looks spooky down there. How was the museum? Your guys look so cute!(re-posted to fix typos)
